Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Deleting my Posts and Signing off

I really think that signing off is where I need to go. You all have been so supportive, it means the world to me. You have my email if you want to contact me but I am resigning from the blogging world. It's been a long time coming for me.

It has been an honor spending this time with you all. I will check up on your blogs and support your progress.

My life, very simply put, has changed.


  1. Yikes, that final line sounds VERY ominous. Care you explain? This makes me sad, I'm having trouble blogging at the moment (very busy) but I'd hate to quit - you're the second blogger in the last two weeks I've seen sign off, I hope it's not a trend.

    Enjoy the infinite break, though.

    It was fun.

  2. This is depressing. No reason at all?

  3. that's a shame, that you would stop blogging, as an answer; but best wishes in your blog writing mode!

  4. I think it's all just a bit too much, really. Being back in University after a 6 year break, learning to adapt to a new culture, making new friends, having new relationships, trying to study, sleep, take quizzes, eat, walk... I feel my blogging has become self serving and not in the way I want it to be. And the things I want or need to say, I feel awkward saying to a group of people I care so much about. I've always been about keeping my private thoughts private, which is why I had that other secret blog. But when I made the choice to have one, I froze up and couldn't do it anymore. You all are a special and amazing part of my life and always will be. You'll be in my heart until the day I die because I wouldn't even be living the life I have now without you being in it.
